Semiramide, La Signora regale

Full marks for thoughtful originality here. The legendary Assyrian queen and warrior Semiramis is best known
to opera lovers from Rossini’s opera Semiramide of 1823, an excerpt from which is included. Yet as this set
comprehensively demonstrates, operatic treatment of Semiramis extends much further than that. In a prefatory
note Bonitatibus suggests that over 100 compositions have been inspired by her; Metastasio’s Semiramide
riconosciuta alone was set no fewer than 33 times. This disc includes extracts from his text not only by
Jommelli and Traetta, who we know (but should know much better), but also by the unknown Andrea
Bernasconi(1706-1784), whose 1765 version includes the exquisitely beautiful ‘Ah non è vano il pianto.’
It is not easy to describe Bonitatibus’s performances, except perhaps to call them mixed. The intrinsic vocal
quality is creamy, but the voice has a fast vibrato that at times spreads. Notes are not always accurately placed
nor in the higher register, under control. Yet Bonitatibus has a rare gift. She is a splendid vocal actress who
demands from the listener full attention to what she is singing about. One need only listen to the Bernasconi
mentioned above to be intensely vulnerable world of the queen. She is supported by moderately good orchestral
playing. A compelling issue.